GROW Nebraska Member Clarissa Feldman Goes Full Time with Business Setting D Ranch LLC

GROW Nebraska Member Clarissa Feldman Goes Full Time with Business Setting D Ranch LLC

GROW Nebraska is excited to announce Clarissa Feldman of Setting D Ranch LLC has made her part time business a full-time job! Clarissa and her husband Dan run a ranch by Litchfield Nebraska, and their company sells all different kinds of cuts of meat, from beef to pork they have a wide range of options. GROW Nebraska partnered with Clarissa Feldman back in 2021. Clarissa started working for GROW Nebraska full time knowing she wanted a place where she was able to grow her business and learn as much as possible. 

Clarissa states, “I wanted to move to a job that allowed me to grow my business and working at a job that helped entrepreneurs seemed like a great fit.” Clarissa was the store manager while she worked at GROW Nebraska. Her previous jobs had led her to be a great fit for this role. However, when her business started to expand out more, she decided to start doing that full time and focusing on that growth.

While she was at GROW Nebraska Clarissa learned a lot more about things that helped in her growth as a business. She states, “As an employee of GROW Nebraska I did have a good opportunity to learn about ecommerce and retail sales as well as advertising ideas. I was able to incorporate the things I learned towards growing parts of my business.” 

GROW Nebraska has hired many of our members in the past and it is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn and earn at the same time. “One of the biggest benefits of hiring our members is they have lots of passion about not only their business but other entrepreneurial businesses as well. Clarissa made lots of connections with other businesses during her time at GROW Nebraska from box companies, ecommerce platforms to having the opportunity to sell seasonings that are a great compliment to her existing line.” states Janell Anderson Ehrke, GROW Nebraska CEO.

Clarissa already knew a lot about what she wanted, and her goals were set. Her time at GROW Nebraska came to an end back in June. However, her business has only thrived since then, and she has continued her partnership with GROW Nebraska. When asked what her advice would be to new businesses Clarissa states, “set your goals and go for them.”

If you would like to know more about her products, you can catch her at many different farmers markets including the ones in Kearney, every Wednesday and Saturday!

Check out her website below!

Written by Katee Daly

Pictures by Setting D Ranch LLC

About the GROW Nebraska® Foundation

The GROW Nebraska® Foundation helps entrepreneurs get the resources they need to live in Anywhere, NE and make a sustainable living. Since the inception of GROW Nebraska® in 1998 our vision and mission has never wavered: to create viable economic development through business training, technical assistance, promotion, and access to markets. We create impactful opportunities for small business owners and entrepreneurs to live in “Anywhere”, Nebraska and make a sustainable living.

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